Are you unknowingly risking INJURY?
Discover how to make AMAZING BREAKTHROUGHS In Your Hot Yoga Practice!
NEW Hardcover Package For 2024!

“Gabrielle Raiz - The Hot Yoga Doctor.”
Looking to get the most out of Hot Yoga?
Discover the Precision Techniques that will change your life!
To practice yoga can* be such a great gift to yourself. And you're here because you want the keys to extract every benefit you can from every part of your practice. To do that you really have to start your practice with the RIGHT FOUNDATIONS. Well, you're in the right place.
- Want to improve your fitness, lifestyle and melt away stress?
- Do you want to trim down, shape up or lose weight?
- Do you crave to always feel that amazing feel-great-for-no-reason that you get from Hot Yoga?
- And do you want to find deeper focus (in and out of class), and feel physically and emotionally more invincible?
*when you do it the right way... read on
So What's the Problem?
You may not be aware that ...
At most Hot Yoga studios, teachers recite almost the same words every class? That's right. They say the same thing every time, regardless of who's there, what limitations they have, or what's going on.)
You could be thinking that it sounds like a benefit, but this cookie-cutter approach using the same words really only benefits teachers. Look, once you know the general gist of the poses, you kinda just follow along. Most of your progress will be accidental. Is that really what you want?
So, how do you dramatically improve your practice and take your benefits to the next level?
You'll never learn how to finesse the poses or your practice, nor the nuances and subtleties if you keep doing what you're doing, and expect different results!
And I get it. If you're already a student of Hot Yoga, I know you probably feel great sometimes. So, doesn't that mean you're improving anyway?
No, it's not so. And I'll tell you why.
Small (and even tiny) changes can make the biggest difference to your practice. In fact, there is a BIG difference between a great (and safe) practice ... and a bad one where poor habits could well be MULTIPLYING RISKS.
When a teacher sticks largely to the same words every class, they might see you making errors, but if it's not in the script, there simply is NO TIME to correct your errors. They won't be able to offer important points or manage the different problems people experience (at any one time... and believe me, I've never been to a class where something needed to be said that was not in the script).
You could be making classic mistakes time and time again (and your teachers could be unable to offer any correction* because they have never been taught how to correct them).
I'll go a step further with a bold claim (that I can back up with many years of yoga teaching experience... thousands upon thousands of students happily follow the recited instructions, think they're doing it right but in fact, there are times when they are at risk of injury!
*I really DO want to acknowledge that there are amazing hot yoga teachers that ARE doing a wonderful job – making the "script" their own, changing people's lives - and helping raise the bar.
Hot Yoga is often taught with a recited "script." Why is this bad?
Hot Yoga is no riskier than unheated classes - if you practice correctly.
What are you doing to make sure each class is better than the last?

Don't Unknowingly Put
Yourself At Risk Of Injury!
It really worries me when teachers say stuff like: "Go back until it hurts", "It's supposed to hurt like hell", "Kill yourself".
It should worry you too! ... But only if you are interested in dramatically improving the benefits you get from your own practice.
Any yoga (not just hot yoga) needs much more than a rote-learned, motivational "script" to be safe and effective.
Because if you are serious about getting the most out of your practice, you'll want to learn exactly how to apply accurate techniques to make changes ... but where IS that information?
Get the TOP 4 TECHNIQUES I teach to every yoga student ... COMPLETELY FREE!

Just enter your email address below, and I'll send it straight to your inbox, completely free!
- Dramatically improve your results - in your very next class
- Works for beginners to advanced students
- Don't risk unknowing injury!
Where Will You Learn
The Best Techniques?
This is a great question for you to ask!
When I started I was hooked from the first day. Not in a consciously addicted way, but my body just kept wanting to be back in the room. So, I just went... about 7 or 8 times per week.
I've always had a better-than-average body awareness and sense of proprioception, and the teaching (which was good!) and my own university level medical knowledge and intuition could only get me so far.
It was really hard to improve from there – I was missing the "expert tips". There were no corrections for my mistakes that I knew I MUST be making, or help to progress beyond where I was in my practice.
I was desperate to learn more.
So I went to teacher training in Los Angeles. It was amazing to be exposed to 264 other trainees who were as passionate about hot yoga as I was!
I understandably believed I would gain a deeper understanding of hot yoga anatomy; physiology and teaching all body types to benefit from the yoga ... but unfortunately, training fell far short of my expectation... for many reasons.
The biggest reason? When I arrived, I had NO IDEA that we were NOT going to be taught how to teach or learn the intricacies of the poses. We were handed a 54-page script. I was horrified to learn that I was to spend 2 months in LA learning to recite words. (I was SO DISAPPOINTED.) Add to that the substandard and often incorrect anatomy and physiology information. Luckily, I knew that stuff already so I was OK!
Now let me be straight with you – I am grateful for the various teacher trainings that do bring "yoga to the masses" and I am grateful I became a Bikram Yoga teacher. The world is better with some yoga rather than no yoga at all!
But there is no doubt in my mind that this "franchise style method" means that you and I do get shortchanged. We lose out on benefits, and that comes with real risk and a price.
So, it all comes down to this: How are YOU going to get the depth in the poses, the coaching, the adjustments and corrections, the changes in your practice you might need to make just to avoid injury?
How will you uncover the techniques you deserve on YOUR personal journey – when the information simply isn't readily available?
Back in 2001, I was feeling the same way...
My Mission Was
To Change the Hot Yoga Experience and
make it far better!
What I Discovered Most
People Are Thirsty For ...
A few years ago, I asked visitors at our website – already popular for its huge amount of free information – what they were really looking for.
I was pleasantly surprised to find they were looking for exactly what I was looking for back in 1999 – a definitive instructional guide with precision step-by-step techniques and instructions for how THEY could dramatically improve.
What more motivation did I need? ;)
I Ended Up Sharing
ALL My Best Work!
The Hot Yoga MasterClass™
A 304-page High-Quality Hardcover Manual and Downloadable Classes
So, I created a step-by-step guide which evolved over 18 months of pouring my heart, soul and sweat into what is now "The Hot Yoga MasterClass™", a 304-page Manual, with 744 detailed color photos.
Now in stunning new hardcover edition!
So now you have at your fingertips, the keys, the tools, the techniques and secrets to...
- Transform your own practice in a few weeks with expert instruction
- Modify poses to suit YOUR body type in a safe and effective way
- Learn which parts of a pose to focus on... and why
- Learn better focus, remove distractions and gain a deeper satisfaction from your class
- Advance in your own practice and guide you "where to go next" – even if your teacher isn't aware or sufficiently experienced
- Find peace in any aggressively taught class
- Break through "plateaus" in your poses and ruts in your practice
- Uncover EXACTLY what needs to improve in your pose alignment
- Reduce the risk of injury, practice safely and accommodate existing injuries
You'll even learn how to set up a home practice – including how to prepare your space and heat your room.
You'll LOVE
The Hot Yoga MasterClass™!
Here are just a FEW of the hundreds of things you'll learn ...
- Always falling out of Standing Head To Knee? Want to feel powerful in this challenging pose? Learn the "75%" rule that will transform your "struggle" into solid, focused benefits, each and every class.
- Want to feel STRONG and INVINCIBLE? Discover the critical correction that you can make to transform Triangle pose from having you feel like you are falling over, to a pose that embodies the "internal warrior" it is named after.
- How do you develop "strength AND flexibility" in Standing Bow? Always falling forward? Learn the intricacies of this pose - including where your extended arm should be placed and how it has a profound effect on the depth of your backbend. Hint: It is not where you think.
- Find out the simple change in the way you think about Eagle pose that will get you rock solid alignment every time, regardless of whether you have a good 'wrap' .
- Are your hamstrings fighting with your spine in Hands To Feet and Standing Separate Leg Intense Stretch? You could actually be doing yourself and your back HARM in these poses ... when you should be blissfully stretching! Learn how to engage reciprocal inhibition and turn this around for your benefit.
- And continuing in that same theme - learn how to work out YOUR key foot distance in Standing Separate Leg Intense Stretch that minimizes any risk of back injury ... without inadvertently reversing your benefits.
- Improve your balance and poise! If you've ever felt completely "clumsy" when trying to get into Toe Stand ... then you need the 3 different ways to get into the final position, depending on your body geometry.
- Aching back? Not sure how to protect it and still do yoga? Discover how to transform the entry to specific poses if you ever have an acute backache, that will still allow you to get the benefits and participate in class, while helping heal your back.
- Learn the 1 shoulder adjustment that will dramatically shift your floor Savasana to create the cleansing, calming, healing space it should be.
- Do those sit-ups feel confusing? Not sure what to do for best results? Did you know that the sit-up can either be dangerous OR improve your core strength simply based on exactly HOW you do it? Transform your sit-up into a back-strength and core-strength exercise.
- Keep yourself safe! Discover 2 alternatives to a sit-up when you are too tired, your back is too sore, too weak or your body is injured.
- Finding it hard to breathe in this intense compression? Learn how to just about guarantee excellent alignment (and results!) in Separate Leg Head to Knee by preserving the technique by changing your approach.
- Create a better, stronger, more focused hot yoga practice! Banish the unnecessary movements in your class that have somehow slipped into most people's practices over the years - and feel the huge difference in your practice as a result.
- Learn DOZENS of modifications (that are NOT in "the script"!), with photos, for common complaints; injuries and medical conditions, so you can use your yoga to help your body ... and avoid causing any additional problems.
- And many, many more, pose-specific techniques that will help you feel "even more fantastic" ... each and every class!
Comprehensive Manual: Covers practice instructions for all 26 poses from the classic series, including modifications for all body types.
Mistakes and Injuries: Have an injury, or not sure if you are making one of many common mistakes? How to fix almost all common errors, including photos.
A Picture Tells a Thousand Words: We took literally thousands of photos from every angle, to guarantee the clearest, at-a-glance instructions.
Don’t Take My Word For It!
"Gabrielle Raiz teaches yoga with the detail and insight you really need to transform yourself and your practice.
Using this beautiful book, you will be able to overcome physical and mental limitations you thought were permanent, and move to a new level of practice that is difficult to achieve just through attending class or practising alone.
I use tips and adjustments that Gabrielle taught me every day of my life, and her book is an inspiration, thank you."

Olivia Williams
Actor; The Sixth Sense, Dollhouse, The Ghost Writer, Hanna, Manhattan, Victoria and Abdul
So What Exactly IS
The Hot Yoga MasterClass™?
Imagine a high-quality, hardcover, US-Letter-sized manual (I'll tell you exactly what is in the video and audio instruction programs a little later) filled with 744 large, high quality photos and plain-English explanations for every step – INCLUDING common mistakes and how to fix them – and you're starting to get a sense of what I've put together for you.
The Hot Yoga MasterClass™
A premium-quality, 304-page hardcover hot yoga reference manual
Here's what's in it:
- The Hot Yoga MasterClass™ contains 304-pages of the most detailed and precise yoga instructions you'll ever need.
- It begins with a 54 page "beyond the poses" section, which covers "everything you need to know" (and this is not just for beginners – I've had advanced students look at the material and uncover a ton of new things to try!).
- This section also includes a full chapter on the most common injuries and conditions - and the general modifications required. Where this is specific to only one or two poses, it is cross-referenced and shown in detail in the specific pose chapter.
- Then, chapter-by-chapter I take apart each and every pose, using the following format:
- The Essentials
- What Makes This Pose So Difficult To Get Right?
- The Technique
- Common Mistakes And How To Fix Them
I'll expand on these various sections in a moment ... but first I need to tell you about the most amazing thing ... the photos and why they will really make the difference.
Every Precise Detail
Is Meticulously Demonstrated
With Full Color
Hi-Definition Photography
There are over 740 professionally photographed pictures in the manual (744 to be exact). I spent literally weeks and weeks sifting through the MANY THOUSANDS of shots we took over many days, to find EVERY ANGLE that would make the difference in showing you the exact technique.
I've included ALL the subtleties and nuances I've learned and taught over the years (believe me, some of these are not so easy to photograph!). We had to use a trick set-up with 3-cameras and a fourth roving camera to catch every aspect of every pose as we photographed our models (real students just like you and I) demonstrating them.
We used cameras from every angle! This is a peek behind the scenes.
ALL "technique" shots are LARGE PHOTOS - this makes it very easy to see the incredible detail.
The technique photos are deliberately larger to make it very easy to stand up, try them out and see them from a distance.
The "models" are regular yoga students, just like you and I. Normal bodies. Some flexible, others less so. (Of course I think they do look gorgeous in their outfits too ...).
Mistakes discussed are also shown photographically. Sometimes we had to stop because we were laughing so much trying to do something "deliberately wrong" – but the result was worth the effort.
You'll see EXACTLY what not to do – but more importantly you'll also see HOW TO CORRECT IT.
Each pose chapter is "color-coded" – so it is easy to reference quickly. Even the clothing is color-coded for consistency.
The manual is designed to be a lasting practical tool which will still look great on your coffee table in years to come.
Each Pose Chapter Is Divided
Into Easy To Follow Sections
So let me explain the sections in more detail – one of which I think is the absolute key.
"The Essentials"
An overview of the main elements of the posture, The "Essentials" helps you get clearly focused on the main pose objectives.
"What Makes
This Pose
So Difficult To Get Right?"
Funnily enough, it isn't always the obvious challenge in certain poses that makes them tricky to get "just right ". I've singled out what I've found to be the real key (or keys in many cases) to making the pose work effectively, no matter what depth you practice to.
"The Technique"
This is where the rubber meets the road – this section literally takes you step-by-step through the pose:
There is a ton of detail specific to each pose and I also reference the best breathing rhythm for the pose, as well as precision tips and techniques to guide you through the posture.
Each and every step is accompanied by photographs demonstrating that exact step.
It is also color-coded so the steps stand-out on the page - this makes it super-easy to follow each step as you are practicing the pose.
Where there are variations between "sets", or there is a "deeper version" these are included here.
Gabrielle's Master Class book and video instruction have become an essential part of my practice.
While I practice in a studio, I have learned more about technique from Gabrielle than I have in class, and in a much shorter time! The studio instructors are great but aren't always able to refine individual techniques. This I have learned from Gabrielle.
Her work is a perfect accompaniment to any practice! It is precise, it is detailed, it is expertly explained.
There is more information here for every aspect of hot yoga than a dozen or more resources combined. If someone is serious about their practice and/or really just wants to get what they're "supposed' to get from hot yoga, you can't pass up this resource!!!
What Gabrielle has provided is absolutely INVALUABLE. Thank you, Namaste.

Jane from Florida
"The Hot Yoga MasterClass has completely transformed my Yoga practice. It has helped turn my practice into a much deeper and rewarding experience.
I have been practicing Bikram Yoga for two years and I felt that I had reached a plateau and I was really struggling to find the motivation to return to class.
Yoga is important to me both mentally and physically and I was at a point where I really needed breakthrough to justify the time and energy that I was putting into it. It was the Hot Yoga MasterClass that reinvigorated my practice and helped me improve in 3 areas.
1. Breathing, I was breathing completely wrong and felt like there was no oxygen in the room.
2. Alignment, my shoulders were wrong in many positions and I found that I had general alignment issues that were working against me.
3. Pose by pose technique – The yoga teachers are very good at what they do, but they cannot notice every subtle detail of every individual in the class when there are 20 or more students. The MasterClass breaks down each asana in great detail and gives you a fundamentally sound foundation on which you can build on for each pose.
I would recommend this to anyone who is trying to take their practice to the next level."

Tony from Utah
To My Knowledge, The Information In This Section Of The Manual Is
Not Available Anywhere Else:
"Common Mistakes
And How To Fix Them"
I believe this is totally unique! I have never seen a yoga book – let alone a hot yoga manual – where so much detailed effort has been put into showing photos of REAL PEOPLE doing the poses WRONG ... along with text and photos of HOW TO FIX THEM.
I have put every ounce of my years of discovery into this section – every pose chapter includes this, including Savasana – so if there's a common mistake you've come across and have been wondering how to fix it, you'll most likely find it in this section!
Where possible, I've placed the mistake and the "correct alignment" together, with a checkmark (tick) on the correct pose so it's easy to find.
ALL mistake photos are bordered so they are clearly differentiated from the much larger "technique" photos.
You'll always be clear which is which!
Also in the "common mistakes" section are some "gray areas". Not everyone's body can do every pose in the way it is intended, so there ARE exceptions where a modification can "look" like a mistake, when it isn't. Where this is the case, I spell out acceptable modifications, along with photos labeled with an asterisk (*).
There is a unique and very comprehensive section for every pose,
called "Common mistakes and how to fix them"
"Bikram yoga needs to be practiced correctly in order to achieve the benefits and success in the poses. I found this out the hard way. My lower back was in so much pain after my first 2 [public studio] classes that I had to make weekly visits to an Osteotherapist. Rather than give up yoga ('cause isn't it supposed to be good for your back?) I googled and came up with your website, ordered the book and video and 'voila' – the pain has disappeared.
The book now sits proudly on my coffee table and is frequently read by family and friends. Very informative. Congratulations and thank you!"

Large, Easy To Read Format
The Hot Yoga MasterClass™ is a deliberately large, durable harcover.
This is so you can extract maximum detail from each high-definition picture. We used a three camera setup during the photo-shoots so that side, front and overhead photos could be taken while the student was in the pose. We also used a roving camera for super-duper detailed close-ups and funky angles.
I designed the manual in a large US-letter-sized hardcover format so you can gain maximum benefit from all these amazing photos!
The Hot Yoga MasterClass™
Video Instruction
Yes ... it's true, you can't learn everything from a book!
Sometimes, to obtain the maximum benefits, you need to hear the instructions AND see the image at the same time.
So I've made a very unique Video Class to help you really FOCUS.
What Makes This Video Unique?
Because it uses the live soundtrack from my classes! You'll hear me instructing the very details explained in the manual – and you'll also hear this in a live environment with real students (I even mention them by name during the class!).
(Click "Play" below to watch snippets from the 90-minute Video Training)
Hardwire better technique into your practice from today!
Delivered digitally to your inbox: use on any convenient device at your leisure - completely portable and yours forever!
The video instruction is perfect for giving you technically excellent pose instruction. You’ll see, hear and read onscreen the best way to do each pose in an integrated, concise and precise way.
- As a newbie, learning something the right way, first up, is the best way to learn a skill. Guaranteed. But you couldn’t possibly learn it all on one day, as with any skill it takes time. So, you’ll use your recording as a pose tutorial help to learn, in detail only one or two (1 or 2) poses at a time. If you’re practising at home, set up your video recording so you can hear the instruction, and in a place where you can see the screen when you need to. But focus more on integrating the 1 or 2 poses you learned that day. Your stepwise progress is the BEST WAY to learn fast. Pretty soon you’ll know all the poses in detail. And by the time your book arrives you’ll be thirsty for the added techniques you can layer on top.
- As an experienced yogi, you’ll use it to learn better technique and refine your poses one or two at a time and take your new awareness with you into your next class (at home or at a studio). Hit the ground running and start today! When you receive your book you’ll have everything you need to create the practice that will feed your soul. The detail is where the magic lies. It’s how you create the focus, the discipline and be learn how to be truly present.
The Hot Yoga MasterClass™
Audio Class Instruction
I also think that at some point, you will definitely want to focus on just yourself and not watch poses on a screen!
So you also have a full 90-minute Class on MP3 - a different "mood" class to the Video Program, but with the same poses; same sequence of course!
This is a challenging and compassionate class with just the right amount of technical detail.
This class was recorded live at one of our Teacher Training programs in Costa Rica.
It has the energy of an interactive class with plenty of corrections yet deliberately uses no students' names.
This makes it absolutely perfect for developing a highly focused, non-distractible practice!
Recorded in superb-quality, sparkling clear audio.
Click the player below to listen to a short sample (Second set of Back Bend and into Pada Hastasana):

Perfectly Focused 90-minute Class!
"A GREAT compliment for you: I went to Bikram yoga studio in Buenos Aires and they asked me in which studio I learnt to do the poses so well.
I told them that I study at home with your MasterClass. I am very proud and think you should be proud as well!
It is not that I am so advanced, but they were saying I paid so much attention to my alignment."

Lisa F
A Carefully Crafted, Comprehensive Package
The Hot Yoga MasterClass™ package will complement every aspect of your practice - whether you are just starting out, super-advanced, or wanting to practice at home.
And once you've experienced the pleasure of making those breakthroughs, you'll be excited to come back again and again to refine and tune your poses and benefits :)
It's also extremely affordable... less than the cost of a few classes!
My aim is to keep the manual down to about the price of a typical monthly pass or a few classes (class prices vary depending on the studio).
I honestly believe this is valuable, life-changing information.
You can do the sums for yourself: You could go to class 5 times per week for up to a year. In that time, you would literally spend well over $1,000 on monthly passes but STILL not make the kind of IMMEDIATE improvements that other owners of The Hot Yoga MasterClass™ are raving about.
But I will stand by this claim with a guarantee...

Your Iron-Clad Guarantee
I am so certain that you will love this package that I'm giving you my 100% satisfaction guarantee*!
I guarantee that if The Hot Yoga MasterClass™ Manual does NOT improve your practice way more than 15 classes ever could, then I'll give you a 100% refund! (You have a full 30-days under my Guarantee*. Does not include shipping.)
For A Limited Time Only
I know from the feedback already given to me by many happy students that it is the COMBINATION of the Manual and combined video and audio instruction that ACCELERATES your breakthroughs - and your enjoyment of all the wonderful benefits.
And the wonderful news for you is that the new hardcover edition release has a bundle of helpful bonuses ready to kick your 2024 off with optimum health!
If you order today, your package will include exclusive materials, extra instruction and references, a unique pose poster, and much, much more!
2024 Hardcover Release
Special Package!
(includes over $114 in NEW FREE BONUSES!)
I'm really excited to update the Hot Yoga MasterClass package and celebrate the new hardcover edition with a brand new package offer!
Read on...
Hardcover 2024 Edition FREE BONUS DETAILS!
Listed below you will find the extra bonuses now included in the 2024 Hot Yoga Masterclass™ package!
196-Page Home Practice Kit Manual

- How and where to start;
- Creating your space;
- Ideal practice schedules;
- How to create a "hot room";
- Safety techniques and tips;
- Pose benefits;
- The Pose Photos
- A full Class Dialog Text to follow or refer to
- A full set of FAQs to refer back to as an essential resource!
- 90-Minute Class and instructions for sequence variations for home and travel
- Class Timing Guide(s)
VALUE: $19.95
Digital Download only, direct to your inbox
26 x Pose Poster Download

Supplied as a high-quality pdf, so you can print it out and laminate it, or just use the electronic copy on your phone, tablet, computer or TV as a handy reference!
VALUE: $14.95
Digital Download only, direct to your inbox
Hot Yoga MasterClass™ Practice Excellence Training Video 1*

- The key to deepen your poses & release ‘hidden’ flexibility
- The correct breathing rhythm for increased range of motion
- Harnessing the power of being counterintuitive
- Practicing non-attachment (especially to “a pose”)
- How to find and use the Active Stretch / Traction Lines
- Getting the full recruitment of your muscles
- Benefiting from your stretch receptors: The Golgi tendon organ reflex (clasp-knife)
- Developing a precision set-up. Maximize time in your pose without rushing!
- How to use recovery correctly to assist muscle development and joint opening
VALUE: $29.95
Video Digital Download only, direct to your inbox
Hot Yoga MasterClass™ Practice Excellence Training Video 2*

Precision Alignment: How to deepen your benefits every class!
- The 3 Keys To The Hot Yoga Doctor’s ‘Precise Practice Philosophy’;
- 4 Fundamental Elements For Discovering Practice Improvements;
- My 5-Step 'Magic Formula' To Apply In Each And Every Pose.
VALUE: $29.95
Video Digital Download only, direct to your inbox
18-page QuickStart Guide

This 18-page downloadable pdf is just like having Gabrielle over your shoulder, giving you recommendations for the best way to start improving your Hot Yoga practice using the incredible resources in the Hot Yoga MasterClass™!
VALUE: $9.95
PDF file digital download only, direct to your inbox.
Total (save $176.74!)
Total $276.69
Yes Please! I'd Like The 304-Page Hot Yoga MasterClass™ Color Hardcover Manual,The Video And Audio Instruction FREE
For Just $99.95!
AND, For A Limited Time...
5 Amazing Bonuses Worth $114.74
(Save a total of $176.74!)
(*Be quick. Free Worldwide Shipping limited time. Only while stocks last.)
"Well … I feel the same as everyone else about the HYMC complete set. I love it all.
It has helped me in so many ways to "fine tune" postures in my Bikram classes, my breathing and concentration and I too go through page by page for each posture and watch the corresponding DVD so that when I go to my next class I can practice what I have just learned.
It too makes me excited for my next class. I highly recommend this set to anyone. You won't be disappointed. :)"

"I was introduced to Bikram yoga during college back in 1980 when he released his orange book (no longer published, I believe)."
The instruction in Gabrielle's book excelled my practice beyond my expectations. The breakdown and explanation of poses far surpasses Bikram's books.
This book has made my practice 100% better, more enjoyable and much more beneficial. I have corrected a number of things I was doing wrong! It is worth every penny!"

I just received my Master Class order. I wanted to tell you that I am more than impressed!! I have been teaching Bikram yoga for 5 years. The Master Class will be a great resource.
I do value the Bikram training, I learned a lot about myself, but I have learned to teach from teaching.
The strict dialogue used in most classes doesn’t touch on all of the important information that you have included in your book. I can’t wait to immerse myself in the Master Class. The book is beautiful as well as informative. I’m also excited to take the classes on the DVDs, I am in the process of building my home studio.
Thank you!!

"A problem that I could not seem to fix for 7 months (even with private lessons) was resolved when I read page 45."

Will The Hot Yoga MasterClass™ Really Help Me?
I believe wholeheartedly that thousands of students are missing out on massive benefits, simply because they lack access to practical, precise resources.
When you use the Hot Yoga MasterClass™ you'll be free from wondering class after class if you "got something right".
No more trying to get hold of a busy teacher to discuss "something that doesn't feel quite right" or a pose you "just don't get".
And no need to spend tons of money on private lessons (typically anywhere from $100 to $225 per lesson) - because ALL you need is in The Hot Yoga MasterClass™. By my calculations, you'd actually save money - less classes needed to "learn" - more classes getting the REAL benefits you are going for!
I am excited to help you discover a far more satisfying hot yoga practice - but more importantly, to help you make the changes you really want in your life.
What are you waiting for? Join me now!
Gabrielle Raiz
Start Your No Risk Breakthroughs Today!
PS. Remember you have my 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. I guarantee that if The Hot Yoga MasterClass™ Manual does NOT improve your practice way more than 15 classes ever could, then I'll give you a 100% refund! (You have a full 30-days under my Guarantee*. Does not include shipping.)